A - crash bugs: these bugs are game ending and they make the game crash this could be walking into wall and the game freezeing and the the music looping over again.
this is a fatal game crash from ksp (kerbal space program)
this is a fatal game crash from world of warcraft
B - Severe - this type of bug isnt game ending like a crash but it makes you not able to carry on with your game e.g. if a gate in a game shoots you high up into the air and you die from fall damage -.-
this video is of a gate bug in the game rust which kills you if you do it.
this is a game bug from magika where you cant get out of the floor once you have died
C - General - this bug is not game ending or a crash but it has a serious effect on the player say if you eat a bottle of vitamins and you rub you arms whilst doing it.
this is a bug in battlefield 3 it not game ending but disrupts the player from the game
the bug in this game isnt game ending but makes the game not as realistic
D - Minor - this bug isn't bad and isn't game ending but just doesn't look right this is where you are shooting a gun but the gun isn't facing the same direction.
this is a minor bug that just makes the game a little less realistic.
this bug isnt game ending or a general bug its just missing textures for the animation
E - Cosmetic/comments - this bug type is nothing really just little hiccups in the textures or comments you have to make on the game to make it better.

the name in this game has been cut off due to a texture error
the edge of this border has clipped into the environment and just needs to be modified