Friday, 24 January 2014

Different types of game bugs

Different types of bugs:

A - crash bugs: these bugs are game ending and they make the game crash this could be walking into wall and the game freezeing and the the music looping over again.

this is a fatal game crash from ksp (kerbal space program)

this is a fatal game crash from world of warcraft

B - Severe - this type of bug isnt game ending like a crash but it makes you not able to carry on with your game  e.g. if a gate in a game shoots you high up into the air and you die from fall damage -.-

this video is of a gate bug in the game rust which kills you if you do it.

this is a game bug from magika where you cant get out of the floor once you have died 

C - General - this bug is not game ending or a crash but it has a serious effect on the player say if you eat a bottle of vitamins and you rub you arms whilst doing it.
 this is a bug in battlefield 3 it not game ending but disrupts the player from the game

the bug in this game isnt game ending but makes the game not as realistic

D - Minor - this bug isn't bad and isn't game ending but just doesn't look right this is where you are shooting a gun but the gun isn't facing the same direction.

 this is a minor bug that just makes the game a little less realistic.

this bug isnt game ending or a general bug its just missing textures for the animation

E - Cosmetic/comments - this bug type is nothing really just little hiccups in the textures or comments you have to make on the game to make it better.
 the name in this game has been cut off due to a texture error

Inline image 1

the edge of this border has clipped into the environment and just needs to be modified

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


Legal issues

MOJANG                                                     V.S.                                            BETHESDA

There was a legal battle between Mojang and Bethesda over infringement laws due to Mojang creating the card based computer game scrolls and the popular elder scrolls franchise. The reason for their claim is that they were concerned that the consumers would get confused and  buy the wrong game and also it was related to the name elder scrolls which would mean that they were copying the name from them. But this was a stupid claim as they had not copyrighted the name scrolls but elder scrolls and the consumer market has had enough of the elder scrolls franchise to learn that it’s called elder scrolls and not scrolls so Mojang one that claim. But in there appeal notch challenged Bethesda to a Quake 3 death Match but they declined this amazing offer and settle for a lawsuit but Bethesda lost as Mojang got to keep its name.

Znyga                                           V.S                                                  E.A 

Zynga known for its games on Facebook has been challenged by ea after the Sims game on Facebook and they have said it was an illegal copy of the Sims game its self and zynga have said that it wasn’t and they will fight ea for the right of the game its self this is more on ea’s side as they have named the game Sims and its exactly the same as Sims so they are in a bit of a pickle in the legal side of this 

there is also the part of the industry that needs to be discussed  which is pirating games
ive always thought of it this way its free stuff if somebody goes to you do you want this game that they have bought you would say yes we know its bad but the amount of people that do it make it seem okay. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

course shiz

                             regulatory issues in games

    ever since violence has been introduced into video games the governments around the world have been pushed into censoring these games and controlling who plays them.
     sometimes this proves to be problematic and their policies all over the world and the US. parents became worried with was their children was watching and doing with video games, and as the games become more realistic this has become more of an increasing problem.

   in 1993 after Mortal Kombat came out the senator of connecticut held meeting investigating the effects of violence on children, at the end of these meetings the ESA was formed which founded the ESRB who do all the ratings across the US.

this is all the ratings for the US and is also widely recognised across the world

 But in the uk we use the PEGI (Pan European Game Information) system which does all the ratings across Britain and Europe but before we used PEGI we used the BFFC system for rating games.

   PEGI is now the main rating system for Britain as the understand games more than the BFFC does as when they did this job the used movie censoring criteria instead of games but now that PEGI does this job its now and its fair for games developers and publishers as they are judging it by their knowledge on games not there knowledge on films.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

ethical issues within games

  • there are arguments over if games are logical and more skill developing then some school curriculum. but there are factors of addiction violence racism and sexism
  • video games appeal more to males. only 7-8 percent of gamers are female. in some video games only women are prostitutes and in some cases it promotes killing them this shows sexism towards women and how it can sometimes be really offending.
  • what affects does gaming have on the community  when does 5-hours a week to 25 hours a week effect peoples lives there family's and their jobs. also do developers have any right to make games addictive?
  • understanding that there are only  24 hours in a day how much time should you fill up playing video games and how much time should be spent playing violent or sexual video games all the gore in the games brings out more intensive to be violent


games that have had ethical issues in the past:-

  • resident evil 5 - only had black zombies in the game with a white american who went round killing them
  • world of Warcraft  your own fantasy world with a avatar which you build from scratch which makes the game highly addictive 
  • death race- highly offensive game-play for the time it was created
  • mortal kombat- was extremely Gorey and was one of the worst games at the time people spent hundreds of pounds finding the goriest killing moves 
  • F.E.A.R- Gore filled scenes
  • Postal- humorous killing gore
  • Legend of Mir 3- someone got stabbed because of stealing